A training course probably isn’t the answer to the problem you’re solving, so what can you do instead? At Solvd Together, we use 5DI Design for experiences, resources, services, or process changes and take inspiration from our everyday lives.
1. The Solution Scale
Whether the target audience cares or doesn’t care about something, is the primary factor in deciding what to design.
2. Concern, Challenge, Solution
The Concern, Challenge, Solution (CCS) Canvas will help you map audience pain points and feedback to ideas.
3. 5Di Design Workshop
It’s good to do design collaboratively with stakeholders so they feel like they have ‘baked the cake’ with you. This makes them more likely to support the solution.
Hindsight hacks
Helpful tips from the Solvd Together team and beyond:
More about Solvd Together
Website: www.solvdtogether.com
5Di in action: Solvd case studies
Further insights: The Solvd blog