In 5Di Define you are doing two things: identifying the problem the business wants solving, and figuring out how you will know if you’ve been successful.
When a stakeholder or client comes to you with a request, your first question should be, ‘why?’
1. Define Checklist
Define creates the foundation for your entire project. This checklist provides a list of everything you’ll need to consider.
2. Define Workshop
The 5Di Define workshop is the key to ensuring you have a well-articulated problem statement and hypothesis to test.
3. Define Report
Before you move to the Discover phase, clarify the mission. This template provides a structure to communicate what has been agreed.
Hindsight hacks
Helpful tips from the Solvd Together team and our friends:
More about Solvd Together
5Di in action: Solvd case studies
Further insights: The Solvd blog